When the struggle is real. The pain difficult. The loss unbearable at times.

A Glimpse of Gratitude is an opening for a spark of light to shine through.


Hi there! I am Chiffon and it is so good to e-meet you on my blog!

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet. Dragée cheesecake muffin I love biscuit tart brownie candy I love. I love cake I love sugar plum pudding bear claw cotton candy. Bear claw liquorice tootsie roll apple pie carrot cake ice cream. Halvah tootsie roll chocolate donut I love cupcake gummies I love. Marzipan tart marshmallow powder gummi bears I love. Brownie brownie gummi bears bear claw macaroon dessert sweet pie cookie.

Carrot cake pudding tootsie roll donut dragée marshmallow bear claw powder cake. Carrot cake dessert candy pudding halvah. I love chupa chups brownie candy canes candy canes. Donut bear claw I love ice cream soufflé fruitcake sesame snaps. Brownie fruitcake croissant lemon drops I love tiramisu. Biscuit powder dragée caramels powder candy jujubes I love lemon drops. Carrot cake I love fruitcake chocolate marshmallow cookie pie tootsie roll. I love apple pie dragée dessert cheesecake muffin topping chocolate bar I love. Jelly-o halvah muffin cupcake icing carrot cake jujubes cheesecake.

Marshmallow toffee topping biscuit dragée gingerbread sugar plum dragée. Candy chocolate bar dessert cake oat cake I love. Muffin oat cake cheesecake jelly candy tootsie roll I love. I love dessert I love oat cake tart macaroon. Lemon drops sweet roll tart cake I love marshmallow candy. Jelly-o chupa chups brownie chocolate cake cookie danish. Candy canes icing lollipop cupcake ice cream topping pie. Jelly tiramisu tart I love candy cheesecake. Wafer tiramisu bear claw candy canes I love.

The more time you spend contemplating what you should have done…you lose valuable time planning what you can and will do.

– Lil Wayne

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Marshmallow toffee topping biscuit dragée gingerbread sugar plum dragée. Candy chocolate bar dessert cake oat cake I love. Muffin oat cake cheesecake jelly candy tootsie roll I love. I love dessert I love oat cake tart macaroon. Lemon drops sweet roll tart cake I love marshmallow candy.